Implications of Nanotechnology in Modern Drug Delivery Systems for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer



  • Anmol Vats KIET School of Pharmacy (KIET Group of Institution, Delhi-NCR), Ghaziabad, India.
  • Debaprasad Ghosh KIET School of Pharmacy (KIET Group of Institution, Delhi-NCR), Ghaziabad, India.
  • Harsh Srivastava KIET School of Pharmacy (KIET Group of Institution, Delhi-NCR), Ghaziabad, India.
  • Kavita Katiyar KIET School of Pharmacy (KIET Group of Institution, Delhi-NCR), Ghaziabad, India.
  • Ashu Mittal KIET School of Pharmacy (KIET Group of Institution, Delhi-NCR), Ghaziabad, India.


Cancer or malignancy can also be explained as the irregular and anomalous growth of cells that causes every sixth death. The number of new cases of cancer keeps on increasing every year. Top cancer risks for men are lung, prostate, bladder, melanoma (skin cancer), colorectal, and liver cancer. Women are mainly diagnosed with breast, skin, colorectal, ovarian, cervical, and thyroid cancer.  At present cancer treatment includes chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. These conventional methods have several disadvantages including damage to the surrounding normal healthy tissues and the inability to kill all the tumor cells. Nanotechnology which includes nanoscale devices having a size of 1 to 100 nm, can get around these disadvantages of conventional methods for cancer treatment and diagnosis. Nanoscale devices can easily cross blood vessels and can interact with cells at the biomolecular level to deliver an effective treatment against tumors, and various other types of cancers and can also be helpful in the early detection of cancerous cells. Nanoparticles with specific ligands form complexes with malignant cells receptor causing drug accumulation inside these cells. This article is to explore, enlist and summarize the implication of nanotechnology for the betterment of modern medicine administration systems for the diagnostic and curative approach to cancer.


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Nanotechnology, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Cancer



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Vats A, Ghosh D, Srivastava H, Katiyar K, Mittal A. Implications of Nanotechnology in Modern Drug Delivery Systems for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];15(7):6764-7. Available from:


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