Immunological Approaches for COVID-19



  • Shilpa Pahwa Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida-201308.
  • Preeti Maan Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida - 201306, Uttar Pradesh,
  • Sudhanshu Sharma Galgotia College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
  • Nisha Gupta Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida - 201306, Uttar Pradesh,
  • Vandana Arora Sethi Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida - 201306, Uttar Pradesh,


COVID 19, a deadly infectious disease today has affected the whole world. Millions of people have been affected with a large number of deaths, ever since its outbreak in Dec’ 2019 in the Wuhan city, in Hubei Province in Central China. Covid patients develop several complications that include respiratory tract infections, breathlessness; dip in oxygen saturation and in worst cases may cause multiple organ failure leading to death. As such no effective medicine has been discovered except for some vaccines that have come in the market after extensive research and are effectively producing antibodies. During this pandemic, medicinal plant, nutraceuticals, dietary supplements could be a promising prophylactic for COVID 19. Several antiviral plants effective for SARS-CoV have been repurposed for SARS-CoV-2. Nutritional supplements in the form of herbs, vitamins, minerals, probiotics help to enhance immunity and decrease the severity of the disease. Maintaining immunity and strictly following the COVID protocols of Social distancing, hand washing and wearing of mask is the only sustainable way to survive in this pandemic. This review suggests the emerging therapeutic approaches available that can be used for the treatment and an adjuvant in COVID 19. Clinical studies suggest that they have been able to boost immunity and holds promising results in enhancing immunity and in giving symptomatic relief in this disease.


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COVID 19, nutraceuticals, prophylactic, nutritional supplements, antiviral, immunity



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Pahwa S, Maan P, Sharma S, Gupta N, Sethi VA. Immunological Approaches for COVID-19. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2024 May 14 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];15(7). Available from:


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