A Recent Update on Formulation and Development of Gastro-Retentive Drug Delivery Systems




  • Abhishek Kumar
  • Meenakshi Bharkatiya


Oral route has been the most convenient and accepted  route of drug delivery. Owing to tremendous curative  benefits of the oral controlled release dosage forms are  being preferred as the interesting topic in pharmaceutical  field to achieved improved therapeutics advantages.  Gastro retentive drug delivery system is novel drug  delivery systems which has an upper hand owing to its  ability of prolonged retaining ability in the stomach and  thereby increase gastric residence time of drugs and also  improves bioavailability of drugs. Concept of novel drug  delivery system arose to overcome the certain aspect  related to physicochemical properties of drug molecule  and the related formulations. In this context, various  gastro retentive drug delivery systems have been used to  improve the therapeutic efficacy of drugs that have a  narrow absorption window, are unstable at alkaline pH,  are soluble in acidic conditions, and are active locally in  the stomach. Concept of novel drug delivery system  arose to overcome the certain aspect related to  physicochemical properties of drug molecule and the  related formulations. Various approaches are currently  used including gastro retentive floating drug delivery  systems, swelling and expanding system, polymeric bio  adhesive systems, modified shape systems, high density  system and other delayed gastric emptying devices.  Moreover, future perspectives on this technology are  discussed to minimize the gastric emptying rate in both  the fasted and fed states. The present review briefly  addresses the physiology of the gastric emptying  process with respect to floating drug delivery systems.  The purpose of this review is to bring together the recent  literature with respect to the method of preparation, and  various parameters affecting the performance and  characterization of floating microspheres. Attempt has  been made to summarize important factors controlling  gastro retentive drug delivery systems. Overall, this  review may inform and guide formulation scientists in  designing the gastro retentive drug delivery system.


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Gastro retentive system, gastric residence time, bioavailability, narrow absorption window, polymeric bio adhesive systems, delayed gastric emptying devices




How to Cite

Kumar A, Bharkatiya M. A Recent Update on Formulation and Development of Gastro-Retentive Drug Delivery Systems. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 13];14(1):5257-70. Available from: https://ijpsnonline.com/index.php/ijpsn/article/view/1270



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