Clinical Management Updates for Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)



  • Yogesh Chand yadav
  • Ramakant Yadav
  • Sushant Kumar


The SARS-CoV-2 virus was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and was known to produce acute severe respiratory illness in humans which rapidly spread almost throughout the world within a few months. This human coronavirus has seven strains and they commonly produce illness in the nervous system, respiratory system and hepato- intestinal systems. This present review is an attempt to illustrate recent reports pertaining to the management of SARS-CoV-2. Further, it also highlights the diagnosis and clinical management of COVID-19. Various search engines like Scopus, Pubmed and WHO databases were accessed and literature on current advances about COVID-19 including structural features, replication, possible pathogenic, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, methods of prevention and possible therapeutic agents used for treatment of patients was reviewed. Current studies indicate that COVID-19 is very infectious with droplet transmission potential. The key modalities to prevent the infection is by keeping social distancing, respiratory/hand hygiene, detection of infection and subsequent quarantine of the infected persons. Presently, either no vaccine for prevention or specific treatments available, however, COVID-19 patients may be managed by using some repositioned drugs and symptomatic treatment.


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COVID-19, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Cure, Clinical management




How to Cite

yadav YC, Yadav R, Kumar S. Clinical Management Updates for Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19). Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2021 May 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];14(3):5449-56. Available from:



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