Psoriasis: A Non-Communicable Chronic Autoimmune Inflammatory Skin Disorder, Affecting the Quality of Life



  • B.AUBINE MOLLY Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur.
  • LAKSHMI PRASANTHI NORI Department of Pharmaceutical sciences, Shri Vishnu College of Pharmacy, Bhimavaram.


Psoriasis is grouped under chronic, non-communicable skin conditions. This inflammatory condition is way beyond physical manifestations, but more psychological and emotional to patients whose social and interpersonal relationships are affected. Termed to simple words psoriasis affects the patients ‘Quality of Life’. The primary concern of health care is to prioritize the stigma caused by this skin condition. Incidence has no origin instead this condition has several factors associated with it and the cause of the disease in each patient differs. Genetic and immunological conclusions of psoriasis have a strong base to consider the incidence of the disease. This review discusses the history, epidemiology, Prevalence, triggers of the disease, FDA-approved drugs, and several herbal drugs that have shown pharmacological activity against psoriasis.


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Psoriasis, Autoimmune disease, quality of life, epidemiology, approved drugs




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BEERA AM, NORI LP. Psoriasis: A Non-Communicable Chronic Autoimmune Inflammatory Skin Disorder, Affecting the Quality of Life. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];16(6):7081-92. Available from:


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