Endocrine and Therapeutic Basis of Diabetes Mellitus Therapy




  • Mayank Kulshreshtha
  • Pragati Srivastava
  • Dharamveer Panjwani


This review article describes the role of hormones, microvascular complications, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments and precautions of diabetes therapy. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic, lifelong condition that affects ability to use the energy found in food. According to World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated 422 million adults are suffered with DM up to latest 2016 data.  It occurs throughout the world but is more common in the more developed countries. Increase in prevalence is occurring in low- and middle-income countries including in Asia and Africa, where most patients will probably be found by 2030. The WHO estimates that diabetes resulted in 1.5 million deaths in 2012, making it the 8th leading cause of death. We summarized the published scientific data and new development in the field of diabetes with a search of PubMed, Google scholar, med know and other online resources.  Various hormones play an important role in which insulin has a more importance in DM. Pharmacological treatment included various side effects while herbal drugs are found to be safe. Diet and exercise are the excellent key points to cure the disease. Avoid high sugar diet and various foods whose sugar levels are high should be avoided at the age 40.  Overall, better knowledge, balanced life style, and daily exercise are the excellent treatment of diabetes and effective glucose control.   


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Diabetes mellitus, Insulin, Hyperglycemia, Glucose, Herbal treatment




How to Cite

Kulshreshtha M, Srivastava P, Panjwani D. Endocrine and Therapeutic Basis of Diabetes Mellitus Therapy. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2019 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];12(2):4441-52. Available from: https://ijpsnonline.com/index.php/ijpsn/article/view/290



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