Review of Atypical Lipoma and its Natural Treatment



  • Brijesh Dasvani,
  • Avani Khristi
  • Vanniyer Thiyagarajan


Atypical lipomatous are rare tumors that typically arise out of soft tissues in the body and common in adults. Most lipomas comprise of mature fat cells that exhibit characteristic of benign tumor by nature. They are round, motile, non-painful slow growing masses, with a characteristic soft and soggy feel, usually appear in the hypodermic area of skin. Atypical lipomas, though uncommon and slow growing can be associated with syndromes such as multiple hereditary lipomatosis, colorless adipose, Gardner's syndrome and Madelung's disease. While surgery has been the primary treatment modality, doctors have managed few patients with radiation therapy (RT). Median age of diagnosis was found in the range: 36–76 years but intramuscular lipomas may occur irrespective of age group, right from childhood to old age. However, the occurrence dominancy was found between the ages of 42 and 72 years, with the average age at presentation reported as 47 to 57 years.


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Rare Tumor, Fat cells, Surgical removaL, Herbal therapy




How to Cite

Dasvani, B, Khristi A, Thiyagarajan V. Review of Atypical Lipoma and its Natural Treatment. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];12(5):4623-7. Available from:


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