Post–market In vitro Equivalency Evaluation of Paracetamol Tablets in Kedah, Malaysia



  • Chandrasekaran A R
  • Chen Yi Han
  • Alex Chin Yang Chung
  • Lim Wei Cheang
  • Low Sing Ping


 Six brands of paracetamol (acetaminophen) 500 mg tablets have been evaluated using specific quality control tests for uniformity of weight, hardness, friability, content, disintegration and dissolution with the aim to assess its bioequivalence. The results obtained have been discussed in details using monographs in United States Pharmacopeia and British Pharmacopoeia. In conclusion, despite some apparent minor differences in tablet hardness and disintegration time profiles, the dissolution characteristics of various paracetamol tablets appears to be similar and not significantly different from various manufacturers.



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Quality control tests, paracetamol, dissolution, dissolution efficiency, weight variation, disintegration




How to Cite

A R C, Han CY, Chung ACY, Cheang LW, Ping LS. Post–market In vitro Equivalency Evaluation of Paracetamol Tablets in Kedah, Malaysia. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2011 Aug. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];4(2):1403-7. Available from:



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