New Technology for Ayurveda Formulation



  • Harshali Jagdish Ahire Shree Balaji Shikshan Prasarak Mandal B. Pharmacy Collage, Ambajogai
  • Gitanjali Chavhan Shree Balaji Shikshan Prasarak Mandal B. Pharmacy Collage, Ambajogai
  • Mrunal Shirsath Shree Balaji Shikshan Prasarak Mandal B. Pharmacy Collage, Ambajogai


Herbal Ayurvedic medications have the potential to be an affordable and effective  way to meet the modern healthcare needs of the Indian and international  communities. In order to fulfil the increasing demand for medications, it is vital to  scale up manufacturing. One way to do this is by developing and utilizing new  relevant technology in conjunction with Ayurvedic herbal formulations. Improving  the dosage forms also requires an understanding of the basic Ayurvedic concepts  underlying formulation and processing. Information on medicine preparation  techniques was gathered from English translations of major Ayurvedic texts as part  of a systematic examination of the literature. It is possible to enhance dose forms  and scale up while adhering to traditional Ayurvedic principles by utilizing new  technology or utilizing already-existing ones. The scientific heritage of harmonious  living that is associated with Ayurveda may be traced back to ancient information  found in the Rigveda and Atharveda. Many medications have been created and  used, starting with Ayurveda and continuing through to present times under the  motto "Tradition to Trend." 


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Ayurveda formulation, herbal drug, health, new technology, panchakarma, dosage forms



How to Cite

Ahire HJ, Chavhan G, Shirsath M. New Technology for Ayurveda Formulation. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 17];17(6):7721-5. Available from:


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