Integrating Nanotechnology into the Life Sciences: Lessons Learned



  • Kristin L Bunker
  • Julianne Wolfe
  • Linxian Wu


As nanomaterials are more frequently incorporated into the life science industry, the need to thoroughly understand their functionality becomes paramount. This review article will provide insight and lessons learned from numerous nanomaterial characterization projects where sample properties were evaluated to better understand various attributes that contribute to functionality.  The lessons address a broad spectrum of topics ranging from sample preparation to the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.  Many of the hurdles encountered in maturing a product involving nanotechnology stem from navigating this regulatory landscape.  There is a lack of standardization within the nanotechnology community including government agencies, industry, and academia.  As a result, there are a number of important issues to address, most notably the issue of nanotechnology safety.  There are other areas that also emerge as significant challenges in nanotechnology integration: appropriate quality control measures, sample preparation and analysis selection and using nanomaterial characterization in improving products and processes throughout the product lifecycle. Specific examples are used to illustrate these challenges and provide insight to their corresponding solutions. Through these shared experiences, a broader picture emerges of what is entailed in resolving the analytical challenges of nanotechnology and life science integration, the likes of which can be translated to numerous other situations both current and prospective.


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Nanotechnology, nanomedicine, nanopharmaceuticals, nanomaterials, nanocharacterization, life sciences, electron microscopy, nanoparticles, standards, quality by design




How to Cite

Bunker KL, Wolfe J, Wu L. Integrating Nanotechnology into the Life Sciences: Lessons Learned. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2012 May 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];5(1):1583-96. Available from:



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