Patterns and Predictors of Antipsychotic usage among U.S. Adults: A National Co-Morbidity Survey Replication Study



  • Rajender R Aparasu
  • Saurabh Nagar
  • Shivani K Mhatre
  • Mark D Hatfield


The primary objective was to study patterns of antipsychotic usage among adults with mental health disorders in the U.S. using a national survey. The secondary objective was to examine patient and provider factors associated with antipsychotic usage. Data from the National Co-Morbidity Survey Replication study (NCS-R) of 2001-2003 was used to examine the prevalence of antipsychotic use among adults 18 years or older. Patient-reported adherence and effectiveness were reported. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the statistically significant determinants of antipsychotic use. Antipsychotic medications were used by 99 of 9282 (1.06%) NCS-R participants in the previous year. Among antipsychotic users, 42 (42.4%) used typical agents and 57 (57.6%) used atypical agents. Males over 65 (compared to age 18-45), non-white race, prescription by a psychiatrist, and presence of mood disorders were statistically significant predictors of increased antipsychotic use among patients with mental disorders, in the adjusted model. Mean adherence among typical users (17.78 ± 1.53 days) was less than atypical users (24.04 ± 0.82 days). No statistically significant difference in perceived effectiveness was found. In conclusion, these analysis shows that approximately 1% of Americans used antipsychotics within the past year, mostly using atypical over typical agents. Male, over 65, non-white race, prescription by a psychiatrist, and presence of mood disorders were the significant predictors of antipsychotic use.


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Antipsychotics, predictors, patterns, NCS-R, mood, anxiety, ADHD




How to Cite

Aparasu RR, Nagar S, Mhatre SK, Hatfield MD. Patterns and Predictors of Antipsychotic usage among U.S. Adults: A National Co-Morbidity Survey Replication Study. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2014 May 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];7(2):2429-35. Available from:



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