Formulation and Ex-vivo Evaluation of Glipizide Buccal Tablets



  • Sudarshan Singh
  • Sandip G Maru
  • Sunil Bothara B


Bioadhesive materials are agents which adhere to the mucous membrane due to specific properties and release the drug at the site of action in controlled manner. Since the biodegradability of the synthetic polymer is at some instance hesitant. In this exploration, a bioadhesive polymer has been developed which was isolated from leaves of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. The mucilage isolated from A. vera were used as a bioadhesive polymer in tablet formulation and evaluated for the parameters such as swelling, pH, and bioadhesive property like bioadhesive strength, record of adherence and ex-vivo residence time. The buccal bioadhesive tablet was prepared using glipizide as model drug. The prepared tablet was evaluated against existing bioadhesive polymer such as guar gum and hydroxyl propyl cellulose. Swelling index and surface pH was found to be 13.12-18.06% and 6.5-6.9 respectively. The drug permeation through goat buccal mucosa was found to be 60.21 ± 0.06 % in the end of 7 h with a Jss of 0.24 mg h-1 cm-2. The stability studies were performed on optimized formulation as per ICH guideline, result showed that there was no significant change in physical characteristic, adhesive strength and in vitro release. It was observed that as the concentration of mucilage increases swelling index also increases. Results of pH showed that mucilage is slightly near to neutral in nature. Formulations were evaluated for preformulation parameters, in vitro drug release profile and release kinetics. The formulations were found to have good preformulation characteristics. FTIR spectroscopy showed no significant chemical interaction within drug and excipients. The release mechanism of glipizide from buccal tablets indicated anomalous (non-fickian) transport mechanism and followed zero order kinetics. It was concluded that the mucilage of A. vera can be used as a pharmaceutical excipient in buccal bioadhesive drug delivery systems.


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Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f, Natural Gum, Bioadhesive strength, Record of adherence.




How to Cite

Singh S, Maru SG, Bothara B S. Formulation and Ex-vivo Evaluation of Glipizide Buccal Tablets. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2014 May 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];7(2):2487-93. Available from:



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