Formulation and Characterization of Nanotransfersome of Famotidine in Transdermal Patch
Transfersomes are highly efficient and extremely deformable lipid vesicles. The aim of the present study was to investigate transfersomes as a transdermal delivery system for delivery of famotidine to overcome the problems associated with its oral delivery. The oral bioavailability of
famotidine has been reported to be low and highly variable. Famotidine undergoes first-pass metabolism resulting in about 50% bioavailability. It shows poor aqueous solubility,gastric degradation and is incompletely absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. Here, we made an attempt to deliver famotidine through transdermal route. Transfersome were made using phospholipon-90G and Span-80. A 32 Factorial
design was applied. Optimal permeation flux was achieved as 22.4 μgm/cm2 hour and drug entrapment efficiency of 61% and average particle size of 215 nm was obtained.Vesicle morphology was characterized using transmission electron microscopy. Ex vivo study using porcine ear skin indicated an excellent drug release profile.
Transfersome, Famotidine, Liposome, Transdermal patch, Permeation studyDownloads
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