The Novel Drugs of 2014 –Record Approvals for Niche Markets



  • D Samba Reddy


In 2014, 41 new drugs were approved by the FDA, the highest approval in two decades. This number was 52% higher than the 27 approvals in 2013, indicating another year of excellent innovation and productivity. Seventeen drugs (41%) were First-in-Class with a new or unique mechanism of action for treating a disease. Moreover, 17 of 41 (41%) of these novel drugs were for the treatment of rare diseases, a testament to continued focus or shift to niche diseases. The U.S. FDA is the leading authority for drug approvals worldwide. Many schemes and tracks at the FDA have led to accelerated approval of novel drugs. Such reviews as fasttrack or breakthrough designation are established for meeting demand more quickly. Despite such historic drug approvals, there is continued productivity crisis in R & D due to steady cost escalation for drug discovery and development. The U.S. pharmaceutical market is forecasted to increase from an estimated value of $395 billion in 2014 to reach $548 billion by 2020. The prices appear to be increasing faster for branded prescription drugs. Overall, the current drug approvals and trends clearly reveal the pharma industry shift to niche diseases for pricing power and return on investment. 



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New drugs, NMEs, Biologics, Fast-track, First-in-class, Orphan drugs




How to Cite

Reddy DS. The Novel Drugs of 2014 –Record Approvals for Niche Markets. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2015 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];8(3):2889-93. Available from:



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