Advancement of Robotic in Surgery: Challenging Application in Healthcare Sector



  • Sakshi Sharma Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida
  • Avijit Mazumder Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida
  • Richa Shakya Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida
  • Shalini Sharma Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida


Over last two decades’ robotic surgery is in greater demand, and it is putting an innovative step towards enlightening surgical intervention. Due to the wider ratification of robotics in surgery, it drives to give compact and more economical and help in pouring researchers to reach on a certain height. Several hospitals and health care centres are adopting this method successfully. The aim of this article is to provide an insight into the challenges of the recent methods used in robotic surgical technology. Moreover, we have also given a comparison and classification of surgical robotics methods, its application and deliberate their future directions.


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Minimal invasive methods, Surgical system, Robotic Surgery, Traditional surgery, Advanced robotics surgery



How to Cite

Sharma S, Mazumder A, Shakya R, Sharma S. Advancement of Robotic in Surgery: Challenging Application in Healthcare Sector. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 13];15(7):6714-9. Available from:


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