Nyctanthes Arbortristis: Chemical Constituents, Pharmacological Properties, and Mechanism of Action and Role in Healthcare



  • Avijit Mazumder Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida
  • Vishnu Prabhakar Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida
  • Saumya Das Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida
  • Anmol Kanda Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida
  • Ananya Pandey Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (Pharmacy Institute), Knowledge Park-2, Greater Noida


Ayurvedic science gained revival of therapeutic and market interest in a few years. There is a rise in the usage of herbal medicine in a few years due to fewer side effects and good promising potential efficacy over allopathic medicine and their therapeutic applications are detailed in the Charaka Samhita, Sushrutha Samhita, and other systems of medicine. According to data from WHO nearly 80% of the total patients using medicine choose traditional medicine. However, these herbal medicines have a very slow set of action over allopathic medicines but optimizing these herbal formulations by making nanoformulations proved to be fast and effective in treating diseases. These medicines are used during the pandemic of COVID-19 with great importance due to their immune system boosting potential. Nyctanthes arbortristis are used as nutraceuticals that have potent therapeutic action. The phytochemistry of the plant reveals that it has many active phytoconstituents which have numerous different pharmacological properties reported. These chemical constituents help to treat disease by various mechanism of action which was observed during the study. It has been observed that because of scientifically proven pharmacological properties like antitussive, anxiolytics, hepatoprotective, antimalaria, antidepressant, anti-hemorrhoidal, anthelmintic, immunostimulatory, larvicidal, diuretic, anticancer, anti-diabetic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-amnesic activity, antimicrobial, anti-trypanosomal and antileishmanicidal, antiallergic activities. It has gained great therapeutic and market importance. The assessed phytochemicals are currently a subject of interest for research in bio-medical sciences in support of various pharmacological advantages. Nyctanthes arbortristis is a miraculous plant and has many potent pharmacological properties which tempted the tribals to use these plant parts to treat various diseases for many years. 


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Ayurvedic, Nutraceuticals, Nyctanthes arbortristis, Phytoconstituents, Chemical Constituents, Therapeutic Action, Pharmacological Properties, Phytochemistry, Mechanism of Action



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Mazumder A, Prabhakar V, Das S, Kanda A, Pandey A. Nyctanthes Arbortristis: Chemical Constituents, Pharmacological Properties, and Mechanism of Action and Role in Healthcare. Scopus Indexed [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 15 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];15(7):6720-37. Available from:


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