Vol. 9 No. 6 (2016): November-December 2016

					View Vol. 9 No. 6 (2016): November-December 2016

A Bimonthly International Journal in
Pharmaceutical & Nanotechnology Research

Published: 2016-11-30

Research Articles

  • Formulation and Evaluation of Trilayered Tablets of Zolmitriptan

    Abdul Saleem Mohammad, Seema Farheen, Nuha Rasheed (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37285/ijpsn.2016.9.6.1
  • Lacidipine Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Oral Delivery: Preparation, Characterization and In vivo Evaluation

    Kishan V. , Sandeep V, Narendar D, Arjun N (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37285/ijpsn.2016.9.6.2
  • Development and Application of HPLC Method for Clinical Pharmacokinetic Study of Domperidone

    Prasad Neerati, Bhargavi Latha A, Y. Shravan Kumar, Y Madhusudan Rao (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37285/ijpsn.2016.9.6.3
  • Development and Evaluation of Chia Seed Mucilage-based Buccal Mucoadhesive, Sustained Release Tablet of Venlafaxine

    Pankaj P Nerkar, Hitendra Mahajan, Pradum Ige, Rima Solanki (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37285/ijpsn.2016.9.6.4
  • Prevalence of Vitamin-D Deficiency in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Syria

    Aya Hallak, Malhis Mahmoud, Yaser Abajy Mohammad (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37285/ijpsn.2016.9.6.5
  • Simultaneous Estimation of Ilaprazole and Domperidone in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

    Gopi Patel, Kiral M Prajapati, Bhavesh Prajapati, Samir K Shah (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37285/ijpsn.2016.9.6.6
  • Isolation and Determination of the Major Principle or Causative Agent behind the 2016 Published Break through Discovery of Dr. M.S. Reddy’s “Multiple Mixed Strain Probiotic Therapy”, in Successfully Treating the Lethal Hospital Acquired Infections Due to

    Malireddy S Reddy, D.R.K Reddy (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.37285/ijpsn.2016.9.6.7